[3830] SS SSB K3KU Single Op LP
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Fri Nov 24 09:38:59 EST 2023
ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, SSB - 2023
Call: K3KU
Operator(s): K3KU
Station: K3KU
Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs):
Band QSOs
80: 142
40: 49
20: 25
15: 88
10: 28
Total: 332 Sections = 80 Total Score = 53,120
I got all set for SS SSB on Thursday afternoon (my last available time),
including verifying autotuner operation to make sure that my all-band dipole was
loading properly. (SO1A – Single Op, One Antenna; but its highest point is
about 60 feet, so no “Limited Antenna Overlay.)
I decide to leave the rig set to 15M for my expected 2345Z start. While there, I
did a quick operational check, working W1AW/7 in Washington (he said I was loud)
and quickly getting through the pileup on a CO6. Oh, yes! Things are looking
Friday afternoon and into the night the wind picked up. My tree-supported
dipole was riding up and down about 10 feet p-p, and the ladder-line feedline
was whipping all around from where it attaches to the house.
Saturday night 2340Z I’m QRV SS. 15M yields N9RV (even Pat had to confirm my
NR 1), but nothing else. I drop down to 20M, making three S&P QSOs in six
minutes. Ugh! Down to 40M, where I make some S&P QSOs, but it’s tough
going. I do manage a “run” of three QSOs.
I jump back to 20M, where I wait in line to work North Dakota. Nothing else.
Why is this so hard????
Flail around for a few QSOs on 40M and 80M. Back to 20M, where I manage to get
an LAX regular (many repeats needed), WTX, and K5TR, who heard me easily (Holey
Moley! What a QSO total!).
Down to 80M, where I am usually loud enough on the East Coast to run ‘em.
Hah! Two “runs” of two QSOs, a bunch of difficult S&P. I am not being
All along I have noticed that the antenna SWR varies wildly when I change
frequency even only 10 KHz. And sometimes the SWR spikes during a transmission.
I realize (or is it “I hope”): the ladder line has broken (again).
Concerned that I might damage the autotuner, concerned that I might damage my
sanity, and not being willing to work with such poor results, even if the
antenna is OK, I quit around 0200Z with 45 QSOs and 29 Sections. I can’t work
on the antenna in the dark; I’ll work on it in the morning.
Sunday morning 9 AM (14Z), I’m out in the neighbors’ backyards lowering the
dipole. The feedline indeed fails the continuity test. (That’s actually good
news: if I fix it, maybe I can still have some SS fun.) Locating the break
required going up the extension ladder. That usually-forbidden act required a
special dispensation from The Wife. I found and repaired the break by 11 AM;
brought the tools back into the house; and got back on the air at 1612Z. Did
the fix work??? Let’s try 10M...
Yes!!! Three quick S&P QSOs on 10M; not much activity there. Drop down to
a lively 15M. Lots of S&P QSOs. Lots of nice Sections, including NL and
NS. Even a run of seven QSOs (including QC!). Fun, fun, fun... until 1645Z,
when it’s time to take 90 minutes off for grandchildren activities.
I did sneak in four minutes for four QSOs (including NB) during that
grandchildren break. At 1810Z I’m back on. Off Time is all gone, so it’s
BIC for as much as the body can take. I let myself have fun DXing on the high
bands – particularly 15M -- hoping to find TER, SDG, SB and EWA (heard and
called Saturday night) and maybe PR and OK. (I had worked VI with the
half-antenna Saturday evening.)
S&P rate non-assisted is meh! CQing brings a few QSOs, including some new
Sections. I do find my SB regular on 15M, and I got the EWA I had heard
Saturday evening. Heard an OK station, but he QRT when I answered his CQ.
Twice I heard people work inaudible-to-me SDG. No TER.
About 22Z I decide to look for better rate and for the many Eastern Sections
still missing because of my Saturday evening QRT. (E.g., a foray to 40M gets
K1AR with a NR in the 800’s for my first NH.) 40M is not giving much rate. I
bounce around 40M, 20M and 15M for a while. Best thing is finding VE3RX on 40M,
and getting thru with a well-timed call for the ONN mult. (Whew!)
Just before 00Z, 80M comes to life and I start pounding my money band, trying to
make up for all the QSOs I did not make Saturday night. Running works pretty
well. ONE calls in, then NNY (and another ONN). Still missing a lot of
“easy” Sections and some that could be troublesome. Back on the high bands
I’d heard westerners fretting about DE. Now, I’m beginning to wonder about
DE myself. And why don’t I have WI or AL yet? And will OK be the surprise
phantom like a few years ago?
I had been running just below 3800. I decide to go up into the General band.
As I tune up past 3800 I hear KC3xxx give “Delaware” to a runner. I scoot
up a few KHz, find a little open spot (open enough to be heard in Delaware) and
start another run. NH. Then ENY. And then, Yes! There he his! “KC3xxx
NR....”, and DE is in the bag. And the very next QSO is another DE. Then WMA
(a unique Section!). Then VA (ho hum). Then a third DE (none of them the ones
I expcted). I feel like a genius.
After running on 80M for a while I pop up to 40M hoping to find some missing
Sections. Only two QSOs, but the first is WI. Then a quick jump to 20M to look
for TER and SDG. Nope, only another PAC, and he’s not so loud. Back to 80M
for some CQing in the General band and in the Advanced band and a little
S&P. No new Sections. I finish the ‘Test with a run of 36 QSOs on 3724
in the final 37 minutes, none in the last two minutes.
332 QSOs, 80 Sections. Time ON, 12:10. Other than the low QSO total, losing
the Saturday night op time affected the Sections. Missed TER, PR, SDG, OK!, and
AL!!! Weird single-QSO Sections: IN, LAX, MS, SJV, WMA. And only two GA.
Reading other reports is disheartening; so many SOLP, with mediocre antennas,
making so many more QSOs, even with limited QRV time. Lots to ponder about what
I might have done better.
But I had FUN! And, unlike other recent SS ‘Tests, getting a night’s rest
left me still ready to go at 0301Z.
HPE CU SS 2024.
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