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Mon Nov 27 13:06:41 EST 2023

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW - 2023

Call: K0EU
Operator(s): K0EU
Station: K0EU

Class: SO(A)AB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 16
OpMode: 2BSIQ

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:    0     0        0
   80:    4     2        3
   40:   99    25       56
   20:  114    28       83
   15:  484    34      112
   10:  408    29       91
Total: 1109   118      345  Total Score = 1,442,708

Club: Grand Mesa Contesters of Colorado


After doing SS CW and SS PHONE full time, I had to skip a full time entry in
this one, although I find this contest to be much more fun than either SS
contest. SS is fun for about six hours and then it becomes tedious.

I didn't even turn on the radios until Saturday morning. The only 80M time was
spent the last five minutes of the contest to pick up a few mults.

I spent a few hours doing 2BISQ on 10 and 15 meters. The 10 QSO rate approached
300 a few times. I was surprised to find I only had two hours with more than 100
Q's. It's easier to run JA on two bands at once vs Europe. Seemed like the EU
pileups would degrade to half a dozen or more stations all calling zero beat.

Nice to work GMCCer Alan K0AV at the helm of 3B8M on 40 meter long path. Also
had a Q with Chuck WY7M at XV9DL on 15M. Glad he stuck with it as I was fumbling
with the 10M pileup on the other radio when he called in.

Heard many GMCCers in the pileups. K0RF was everywhere.

73 Randy K0EU

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