[3830] CQWW SSB K2LE M/2 HP

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Mon Oct 30 10:35:18 EDT 2023

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB - 2023

Call: K2LE
Operator(s): K2LE K2TR W1VE NI1L K1EP
Station: K2LE

Class: M/2 HP
QTH: Vermont
Operating Time (hrs): 47
Remote Operation

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:   22     7       14
   80:  251    14       60
   40:  401    25       85
   20:  586    30      110
   15: 1351    34      119
   10: 1095    30      132
Total: 3706   140      520  Total Score = 6,980,160

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

Propagation was a disaster for us from the start through just before sunrise...
No big runs, mushy prop... the sun was just not cooperating for us.
It seemed that most propagation was high angle and our low-angle antennas were
not doing the job.   Friday night overnight, signals were weak from Europe on 80
and 160.  Saturday night was much better.

However, 10 opened with a bang and we had some great, long runs.  Fred and I
were running like gangbusters very high in the band.  My best rates were running
at 28996, with low QRM levels.

We had two milestones with this team.  Station owner, Andy, K2LE, will turn 90
this year.  He did an amazing job running and finding mults, and is a tremendous
butt-in-chair guy, especially  in the wee overnight hours.  We all hope we can
do half of what he does when we approach his age.  Of course, he is an awesome

Well-known contester Fred Lass, K2TR, returned to DX contesting after 10 years
of being absent.  He had a blast, and was in his groove immediately.  It's like
riding a bike -- once you have these skills you don't lose them.  

Les, N11L returned to the K2LE fold after a long hiatus.  He is a no-nonsense
butt-in-chair guy.   I would go five or six hours beside him, and we barely
noticed each other were there (other than for passing)... it's all about the

Ed, K1EP, unfortunately was recovering from a cold.  He did get on the air a
bit, but he did a lot of tech support, and, more importantly, prepared and
cooked delicious food for team.  

Personally, I am really happy to see the live scoreboard, my invention from many
years ago,  being so active and popular now, with the contestonlinescoreboard
guys doing a fabulous job.  Over 211 single ops posting their scores.  More
importantly, the top players in the game are now all posting to the scoreboard. 

It was fun to see the goings on in M/2.  We love to see how things swing during
a contest.   Saturday, K9CT had us by almost two million.  Our scores are about
the same (60K apart), so it pays to never give up.  Thanks Craig for the tight

Big congrats to the N2AA and K1RX teams.  Awesome scores in M/2!

Thanks for all the Qs!  Our team will be dispersed around the world for CQWW
I'll see you all on 80m from the K1LZ superstation.

73 from the K2LE Team,

Gerry W1VE

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