[3830] WAE SSB WX3B M/S HP

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Mon Sep 11 10:14:14 EDT 2023

                    WAE DX Contest, SSB - 2023

Call: WX3B
Operator(s): WX3B KC3EMA
Station: WX3B

Class: M/S HP
QTH: Maryland
Operating Time (hrs): 4:08

 Band  QSOs  QTCs  Mults
   80:    0     0     0
   40:    0     0     0
   20:  100    94    46
   15:  123   125    50
   10:  184   160    56
Total:  407   379   152  Total Score = 118,712

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


What started as a single-operator Sunday 4 hour event on 10 meters only quickly
MORPHED into a fun M/2 practice session (a.k.a. CHECKLOG) when Jay KC3EMA came
over to join the fun.  Tim N3QE had alerted me that 10 meters was wide open on
Sunday morning, and when I began operating before 1:00pm I was delighted to find
it was still WIDE OPEN.  

I used the time to try fine tuning my remote control operation by operating
remote through my PC even though I was located physically near my 10 meter

I was getting unsolicited good audio reports from my remote, but as I suspected,
as soon as I switched back and forth to my "on campus" station (not
remote) - I had much better audio fidelity (Thanks Mike W4RN).  Bottom line
discovery was that using the USB audio CODEC built into the Yaesu FTDX-101d
appears to by-pass (i.e. ignore) my equalization settings on SSB - more work to
be done in that department.

Jay KC3EMA arrived and wanted to join the fun - which was still on 10 meters -
so he took over on that band and I jumped on 15 meters, then we eventually went
to 15 & 20 near the end of our 4 hour effort.

It was incredible seeing 10, 15 & 20 all wide open at the same time, and was
FUN to watch Jay who VOLUNTARILY sent QTCs - with very limited training!  Jay
confessed that he really enjoyed this contest!!

One can hope this weekend kicked off the official start of the next 10 meter
fall and winter season.


Jim   WX3B

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