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Sun Sep 17 12:58:46 EDT 2023

                    Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW - 2023

Call: K4HQK
Operator(s): K4HQK
Station: K4HQK

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Alexandria, VA
Operating Time (hrs): 5:15

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   40:  29     20
   20:  38     22
   15:  26     17
Total:  93     59  Total Score = 8,909

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


My first time operating in the SAC. Activity was not bad during the short time I
invested in this contest, from which many signals had that distinctive “Far
North” flutter. Of course I worked Norway, Finland, Sweden and Denmark. In
addition I also QSOed the Aland Islands (OH0R, OH0Z) and Iceland (TF3D), but
heard no one in Svalbard, Jan Mayen, Market Reef, Greenland, or the Faroe

Band conditions Saturday afternoon (when I entered the contest at 1200 EDT) were
good on 15 meters, which was quite busy, while 20 meters was fair but noisy. At
1500 EDT I left the contest for some family time. 

After dinner I returned to SAC on 40 meters shortly after 2000 EDT and was
surprised to hear QRN, but on weather radar I couldn’t find where it was
coming from. There was activity on this band but copying was difficult. I
checked 80 meters but heard no SAC activity, just lots of QRN. I returned to 40
meters and remained there until 2300.

Sunday morning I was up at 0645 EDT but heard nothing on 40 meters and only a
little on 20 meters, which was beginning to open toward Europe. I remained there
as activity increased, nailing 21 more QSOs until the contest ended at 0800 EDT.

Bottom line for me: I truly enjoyed this contest with our distant neighbors in
the chilly northland. Activity was good and propagation was interesting, plus
the exchange was simple, bless ‘em. I wouldn’t want to try the SSB version,
but the CW contest was easy for this modest station. Long live CW!

John K4HQK
Alexandria, Virginia
Station: IC-7410, ALS-600 amp, Cushcraft R6000 vertical, 40m dipole
Score calculation: 93 QSOs --> 151 QSOs points x 59 per-band prefixes - 8,909

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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