[AMPS] An Idea for a New Feature @ Dayton

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Fri, 4 Apr 97 04:35:28 -0800

>Subject:     [AMPS] An Idea for a New Feature @ Dayton
>Sent:        4/03/1997 8:02 PM
>Received:    4/04/1997 1:47 AM
>From:        Lee Buller, k0wa@southwind.net
>To:          amps@contesting.com
>I suggest we get Rich, Carl, and Tom in the middle of Hara Arena in May and 
>let them all duke it out.  No words. ...snip...
No words? 

 No words would be like having an Indianapolis 500 with no fuel.  Folks 
would be quite likely to walk out.  

Lee:  You mentioned bullshit.  Do you believe that I have proffered 
technical bullshit on this reflector?  If so, specifically what?  


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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