[AMPS] Re: Amps on 30

n4si@pobox.com n4si@pobox.com
Tue, 15 Apr 1997 19:49:33 +0000

> I haven't tried my SB220 on 30meters since 200 watts is all
> we can run and my rig already produces that.  (Can we run
> over 200 now on 30meters????)  I found the 4cx400 conversion
> article on the mla2500 interesting since it gave full power
> tests on 30meters????
> -- 
> 73 Robert  W5AJ  w5robert@blkbox.com   

Thank you! I was wondering what all the excitement about getting amps 
to work on 30 meters was about. I thought I had forgotten something.

73, Rod N4SI
    The DXer formerly known as N9AKE
         (c) 5 November, 1996

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