[AMPS] Re: More 30 M. stuff

n4si@pobox.com n4si@pobox.com
Wed, 16 Apr 1997 20:03:21 +0000

> The 200w limit on 30m...  However, the current 200w limit on 30m
> is NOT "the law" as you state.  It is an FCC ruling.  

Ummm, if it's an FCC regulation (which has already been determined;
Part 97, paragraph 313) then that's the law. Or is it just a rule?
The point is, it is the limit that we in the U.S. (sorry, rest of
world; this will only take a moment) must observe. Any discussion as
to whether it is part of the civil code or anything else is
obfuscation and misses the point.

73, Rod N4SI
    The DXer formerly known as N9AKE
         (c) 5 November, 1996

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