[AMPS] Common PS/Multi Amps

W6TG@aol.com W6TG@aol.com
Tue, 22 Apr 1997 21:19:35 -0400 (EDT)

I get the feeling some people are trying to make this more complicated than
it needs to be. I suggest as I use, a common HV supply with metering at the
supply, B+ is connected to both or all my RF decks, likewise B-. Which ever
RF deck I choose to run, that one has the filaments on. If it is a situation
where I am going from band to band then more than one deck can have filaments
on. I have  two W0MLY remote antenna switches controlled by one selector
switch, one switches amp RF inputs and relay key lines and the other switches
RF output lines. I see no need for switching B+ or B-... as Rich, AG6K stated
when  an amp is in cutoff it doesn't matter if HV is present or not, and
doesn't matter if filaments are on or off.
Good Luck,
Terry - W6TG

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