[AMPS] [Fwd: Heath sb200/201 amplifiers]

Dan Gannon, WA5ANF wa5anf@qsl.net
Mon, 04 Aug 1997 18:00:49 -0500

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I found this on the Heath reflector and could not 
resist forwarding it to this group.  I guess the
devil made me do it, but this just looked like
the perfect group to take care of this chap.


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>From owner-boatanchors@theporch.com  Mon Aug  4 17:46:00 1997
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From: "Richard A. George" <wa6jox@rain.org>
To: Old Tube Radios <boatanchors@theporch.com>
Subject: Heath sb200/201 amplifiers
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Does any one know the reason why Heath would chose to float the grids
ground on the 500z tubes. they are bypassed for rf thru a couple of chokes
and capacitors, it seems to me it would make more sence to ground them
directley to the chassis, for better isolation and stability. all bias
and metering is
suplied thru the center tap of the fil xformer. Thanks Dick K6KWQ


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