[AMPS] 8877 Grid Dissipation

Peter Gerba pgerba@crl.com
Thu, 7 Aug 1997 23:16:37 -0700 (PDT)

Yep, your right about the 8.2 !

I've found the folks at Eimac, past and present, very helpfull to the
Amateur builder. After all Eimac's founders were Amateur builders.  I may
be wrong, but I think the current money in power tubes is in the UHF
television market. The 8877 was, as I recall, developed for the medicial
market and is still in use.  If there were big bucks in the Ham Radio
market Eimac would still be making the 3-500Z. 

Most Hams these days (I'm a member of the Sunnyvale VEC) want to get a 2 
meter HT ASAP and don't want to learn the code. Three local Hams (me 
incl.) busted our buts to get a 1.2 / 2.4 Ghz repeater up a year or so 
ago. All home brew, save some GE and Kenwood stuff. One of the first 
no-code AH's who got on the machine (1.2 with a HT) demanded to know when 
the phone patch would be working. I got on and told the guy to buy a cell 
phone. He then complained that he could get into the machine from the 
family kitchen but not his bedroom... would we fix the equipment.  

I'll stop.

Lets please take care of the Hams, new and old, who want to learn 
something about radio.

pete, kn6bi

Peter Gerba

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