[AMPS] Tank Tuning range

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Tue, 12 Aug 97 05:28:57 -0800

>> From:          Rich Measures <measures@vc.net>
>> Date:          Tue, 12 Aug 97 04:30:43 +0000
>> >range.......for a the ETO Q of 5.3 into 50 ohms..... and pi- tank 
>> >inductor fixed at 21.57 uH and L inductor fixed at 7.255 uH.....
>> >
>> >760 ohm load, Cp 600 pF, ...
>> ...snip...
>> The output R (RL) of the pair of 8877s is approx.  3750V/(2A*2)=938 ohms. 
>Earlier you gave 1000 ohms, I used that figure.

1000 ohms is the approx. RL for an anode V of 4k.  However, this has 
nothing to do with the issue at hand.  
>>  Since Q is defined as RL/XC1, and Q is given as 5.3, the reactance of C1 
>> (which Mr. Rauch refers to as 'Cp') would be 938 ohms/5.3 = 177 ohms.  At 
>> 1.9MHz, C1 is 477pF.  
>> -  600pF does not check out.  
>It certainly does. This operational example is for a "Q" of approx 
>5.3 into a 50 ohm load (using your Rp value of 1000 ohms), ...

Does this wash?: 
-  For a Q of 5.3 and RL=1000 ohms, the reactance of the tune capacitor, 
XC1 = 1000 ohms/5.3 = 188.7 ohms.  ......  However, @ 1.9MHz, 600pF has a 
reactance of 139 ohms.  
*Sorry, Charlie*.  

Operating Q has nothing to do with the external load presented to the 
tank.  Q is DEFINED as RL/XC1, where RL is the calculated, optimal anode 
load R for the tube(s) and XC1 is the reactance of the tune C.  

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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