[AMPS] Tuning Up?
Andrew Williamson
Mon, 18 Aug 1997 08:49:59 +0100
In message <19970818022013.AAH142@[]>, Rich Measures
<measures@vc.net> writes
>Class AB2 Cathode-Driven Tuneup
> Thus, to
>accurately tune a grounded-grid linear amplifier apply enough drive to produce
>the rated anode current, and alternately tune/load for maximum relative power
Now I know how to *properly* tune up my pair of 3-500Z's ;-)
So, for a different type of amp using a pair of 4CX800's (a ETO 91b) any
useful tips out there on tuning?
I'm only in my late 20's, so tube technology escapes me a little. Tips
from the experts greatly appreciated.
Vy 73,
Andrew Williamson GI0NWG / AC6WI
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