[AMPS] Re: Grounding question

km1h @ juno.com km1h@juno.com
Mon, 18 Aug 1997 11:46:37 EDT

On Sun, 17 Aug 1997 22:37:21 GMT wrt@eskimo.com (Bill Turner) writes:
>On Sun, 17 Aug 1997 12:31:15 -0400, "Jeffrey S. Thompson"
><102463.330@compuserve.com> wrote:
>>I recently received a new 2m amp from rf concepts and one change 
>caught =
>>eye right away...the new unit does not have any line fuse.  I know 
>>been discussed here before but if you could refresh my memory about 
>>issue regarding fusing one side of the line versis both sides of the 
>>it would be appreciated.
>>p.s. this application is for a ham shack application not an 
>  =
>  =20
>>                                               73's Jeff T.
>The "hot" side of the AC line should be fused.  Since the unit doesn't
>have a fuse, I'd recommend plugging it into one of those multi-outlet
>extension cord things which has a built in circuit breaker. =20
>And are you SURE there is no fuse, like inside maybe?  Soldered onto a
>PC board somewhere?  I can't imagine a commercially made unit without
>a line fuse.
>73, Bill W7TI

This amp does not plug into the AC line. It runs from an automotive
system or a bench supply of 13.8VDC. 
All of the RFC manuals I have here show a 35 Amp fuse mounted internally.

If you intend to operate that amp on SSB I suggest that you change the
very poor bias circuit over to an active type. Otherwise that amp will be
mostly distortion. 

I use a RFC 2-117 and it made all the difference in the world when I
changed the bias circuit. 

73....Carl  KM1H

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