[AMPS] Re: Dentron GLA-1000 B linear

w3am@juno.com w3am@juno.com
Fri, 29 Aug 1997 23:10:08 -0700

>Per my previous post, I mentioned a past QST article/project where I 
>"reworked" the amplifier making practical changes where needed. As 
>I've once again obtained two of these amps in original condition along 
>with a quad set of Svetlana EL-509 sweep tubes, I'm once again on the 
>project of reworking an amplifier. I have the luxury of the two 
>amplifiers to compare the results with at the completion of the 

Howdy, Skip:

I just got one of these things that is partially toasted but quite
servicable.   I'm interested in hot-rodding it, as you describe, for a
weekend project.  But my measurements of the available internal height
inside the cabinet show only 4.4 inches of clearance from the tube
sockets to the inside of the cover.  The 6LQ6's are only 3.6 inches tall,
but the EL509's are 4.3 inches tall.  Do you intend to modify the cover??
 Obviously, the pinouts would have to be changed, too.  My thought, until
I saw your suggestion of the EL509's, was to just blow off the sweep
tubes altogether and go with 811's, since you have to modify the cabinet
anyway.  The Plate V might be a little low for that, I guess.  

I'll be interested to see what you come up with.


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