[AMPS] More SB-220, etc parts
km1h @ juno.com
Sat, 30 Aug 1997 15:56:27 EDT
Wow....I never expected that kind of response on the SB-220 Loading caps.
Many asked all sorts of other questions so here is a generic answer.
I have just about any RF part from the SB-200, SB-220 and SB-230 series (
and a few SB-1000). I strip just about everything but the sockets from
the RF deck when I convert to 6M monobanders for customers. Anything
that is still good goes into boxes for reuse, resale, recycle...call it
whatever you want; I throw nothing away.
I remove most parts as assemblies so for instance the SB-220 input coils,
switch and all hardware are saved as one part. The same with the output
tank and switch wafer.
For someone wishing to build an amp this is a good opportunity since all
input/output coils, switches and variable caps are available.
I also have about 100 80-20M tank coils only for the above series.
Private E-Mail me for more info please.
Other similar parts available for Drake, National, Henry, Alpha, Yaesu,
Dentron, Ameritron, Hunter, Amp Supply and a few others.
Tnx....Carl KM1H
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