[AMPS] matching

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Mon, 1 Dec 97 02:53:35 -0800

>you say
>>However if Zout is 50 ohms and the load is 50 ohms, the efficiency is 
>>50%, not the 62 or so percent that we typically see.  It seems to me that 
>>62% efficiency would mean that Zout was 30 ohms.  
>When we were discussing this matter here a few weeks ago, Tom indicated
>(although I may have misunderstood him) that the the output impedance is
>a 'non dissipative resistance'. Under those circumstances, the
>efficiency would be different.
Non-dissipative resistance makes no sense to me, Peter.  What next, 
non-reactive inductance?

During the vhf parasitics debate, Mr. Rauch indicated that standard AC 
Circuit Analysis could not be used to calculate the distribution of vhf 
currents in a vhf parasitic-suppressor.  

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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