[AMPS] Hunter 750
km1h @ juno.com
Tue, 02 Dec 1997 01:51:31 EST
On Sun, 30 Nov 1997 22:23:45 -0500 (EST) "David L. Thompson"
<thompson@mindspring.com> writes:
>At 08:32 PM 11/25/97 +0000, Bob MacLeod wrote:
>>The Hunter 750 is manufactured by Linear Amp UK. The one I have seems
>>work okay on all bands except 10M, giving around 700 watts out.
>>However, on 10M the output is down to around 400 watts, although
>>current is the same as the other bands (around 800mA).
>>There are no antenna, feedline or matching problems that I can see.
>>Is this a known problem with these amps?
>As I remember the Hunter 750 is the last of the amp line made by
>Hunter Mfg.
>They sold the designs/templates to a UK firm. The 750 was only sold
>the USA. The circuit is based on the popular Hunter 2000C (a pp
>8163's so
>3-500Z's are a logical replacement). Sort of a early version of the
>AL80 or
>a new version of the Loudenboomer MK II originally designed by Radio
>Industries and later sold as the Hallicrafters HT-45.
>The 750 was designed to have the RF deck on one side and the PS on the
>other. I had a memograph write up from Hunter a few years ago.
>A friend has the 2000B which puts out 1000W out on all bands but as I
>remember only 700 to 800W out on 10. Hunter (as many other amps) did
>have the right PA tank values for 10. I have a Dentron 2000L which I
>finally modified to get 1100W out on 10...before 600W out on a bird at
>Also remember the amp was designed when max power in the USA was 1KW
>so 600W out was great in a 1/2KW amp.
>Dave K4JRB
Dave, you have to remember that the Hunter 2000C was also a kit offering
and had no tuned input.
I recently went thru one for a customer and replaced the original Amperex
8163/3-400Z's with a new set of 3-500ZG's. There was no problem obtaining
1200W on 10M and up to 1400W on some other bands.
I wound a new plate choke ( posted all the info on the reflector) so it
covered all 3 WARC bands along with the stock 80-10M.
That is still a fine amp today for someone with a TS-830; FT-102 or
similar xcvr with tube finals/Pi-Network.
I was-am very impressed with the quality of the components (except for
the meters and the LMB enclosure)...even the old Bandit 2000A....and the
superb details of the kit manual. Even the original filter caps checked
out as new! I sometimes think it a shame that other manufacturers didn't
continue their separate fixed loading capacitor switch idea....damn near
match a bedspring!
73 Carl KM1H
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