[AMPS] parasites

Walter Dail dail@CEBAF.GOV
Wed, 03 Dec 1997 15:15:32 -0500

Try Hot Shot.

At 02:59 PM 12/3/97 -0500, you wrote:
>My biggest problem is that the slugs in my SB-220 tuned input network have
>started to breed and the RF grubs are digesting the teflon dielectric in
>the wiring.
>Anyone know how to get rid of these parasites?
>PS (I might as well say it now...) Is there a kit I can buy??!!
>Lawrence W. Wald
>21000 Brookpark Road
>NASA Lewis Research Center
>Mail Stop 500-216
>Cleveland, Ohio  44135
>Voice (216) 433-5219
>Fax (216) 433-8660
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