[AMPS] Dentron MLA2500B

Joe Subich, W8IK w8ik@ibm.net
Thu, 04 Dec 1997 20:21:35 -0500

At 02:13 AM 12/4/97 EST, KM1H wrote:
>On Wed, 03 Dec 1997 20:56:03 -0500 "Joe Subich, W8IK" <w8ik@ibm.net>
>>The amplifier requires a non-inductive swamping resistor of 
>>aproximately 50 Ohms/25 watts (to suck up about half of the drive 
>>from the typical 200 watt rig) and a 2:1 un-un (to bring the drive 
>>impedence back into the 50 Ohm range).
>Even 100W  and the resistor is pushing it...cut the 1000D WAY back to

OOPS!  I was actually thinking about the typical 100 W radio when I 
wrote that ... BFF syndrome!  *I* learned my lesson about using the 
FT-1K to drive an MLA-2500 the hard (expensive) wasy ... by cooking 
a tube.  The problem was most certainly due to overdrive, the "spike" 
on initial key-down, and not parasitics.  

I still plan to rework my MLA-2500 to better swamp the input, install 
a 2.25:1 input un-un, install a HV "glitch" resistor, replace the 
carbon comp bleeder string, rework the output network for improved 
80/160 meter performance (working backwards from the max/min tune and 
load capacitor values, the pi-network seems to be designed for about 
1000 watts input on 160,  1200 watts on 80/75, and 1500 watts on 
20/15/10), and, if I really get the "bug," see if I can "fix" the 
plate choke to allow 17/12 meter operation.  

Even then, the MLA will not be driven by the FT-1K ... it will be 
a "second station" amp with a 100 watt rig.  With the drive from 
the FT-1K, I'll look at a 3CX1200 based commercial amplifier (or 
build my own using a "tube with handles") once I find a new place 
and get back on the air with anything more than an R5!

The MLA-2500 is a solid general purpose amplifier but not in the 
"contest" class, particularly due to the high cost of replacement 
tubes.  Treat it right and keep it to 1100 watts or so of output 
and it will be a reliable performer.  Unfortunately, I haven't found 
a suitable replacement for the 8875.   


   ... Joe Subich, W8IK  ex-AD8I

"Hindsight is an exact science."

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