[AMPS] How to Test ?

w3am@juno.com w3am@juno.com
Sat, 6 Dec 1997 01:39:59 -0700

On Fri, 05 Dec 1997 20:25:23 EST km1h@juno.com (km1h @ juno.com) writes:
>Is there any way to tell if you received a true rebuilt and not just a 
>quick acetylene treatment? 
>Tnx  Carl  KM1H

Howdy, Carl:

I don't know.  If there is, I'd like to hear about it.  I suppose you
might be able to notice a quicker drop in emission as you reduce the fil.
voltage over the first few hundred hours, maybe...  I would expect it to
age much faster, (even with proper filament voltage maintenance).

All I can say is all of the rebuilds of good duds I've had (that I can
remember) have also turned out to be good, long life emitters.  Just as
good as a new tube.  If they were just gassed, I doubt the life would
extend much beyond 5000 hours at best.  In other words, if they last
long, they must be the real thing!?  Very scientific...

Gary - W3AM  


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