[AMPS] smoked TL922

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Sun, 7 Dec 97 10:08:48 -0800

>Well the old saying of keep the smoke inside or it will quit working seems to
>be true. 
>My TL922 smelled so I turned it off. Upon opening I found:
>L7 on V1 smoked
>R22 on V1 smoked
>C33 and C32 on V2 smoked.  
Welcome to Parasiteville, Jim.  I wrote an article about circuit 
improvements for the TL-922.  You can find it on my Web site:
>Any help on causes and solutions would be greatly appreciated.
>Any suggestions on updates. It's worked super for several years.
If you use it with anything faster than a TS-830S, the high speed 
switching mod. wud be gud.  
>Jim K5aup
>If God had intended airplane engines to be flat He would have had Pratt
>Whitney build them that way.


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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