[AMPS] smoked TL922

richard w. ehrhorn w4eto@rmii.com
Mon, 8 Dec 1997 15:51:18 -0700

From: 	richard w. ehrhorn[SMTP:w4eto@rmii.com]
Sent: 	Monday, December 08, 1997 2:46 PM
To: 	'amps@contesting.com'; 'km1h @ juno.com'; 'Rich Measures'
Subject: 	RE: [AMPS] smoked TL922

From: 	Rich Measures[SMTP:measures@vc.net]
Sent: 	Monday, December 08, 1997 11:38 AM
To: 	km1h @ juno.com; amps@contesting.com
Subject: 	Re: [AMPS] smoked TL922

>On Sun, 7 Dec 97 17:31:47 -0800 Rich Measures <measures@vc.net> writes:
>>>On Sun, 7 Dec 1997 11:26:57 EST JW KIMBALL <JWKIMBALL@aol.com> 
>>>Sounds like a simple case of internal arcing in the tube.  A 10-20 Ohm
>>>resistor in the HV lead would possibly have minimized the damage. 
>>>The grid chokes are also way too large in current capacity. Replace with
>>>150-200 ma types which have both extra resistance to provide a bit of
>>>degeneration and will act better as current absorbers. 
>>Chokes make flaky fuses.  Ordinary carbon film resistors are easier to 
>>blow than chokes, and they are cheaper.  Fast-acting 0.25A 250v fuses 
>>would probably work.  
>Are you suggesting he actually drill 2 holes on the rear apron for fuse
>holders ???????

I would solder the fast-acting 0.25A 250v fuses between the grid pins and 
chassis ground.  .  

>Seems you were bitchin' about a similar suggestion last week. 

The suggestion of mounting grid fuses on the rear panel was not mine.

>In any cases fuses should be in some easily and quickly accessible location. 
>Personally, I prefer the chokes since as current absorbers of minor arcs
>from gas, etc they will not blow or collapse. Once the event has passed
>the amp works as before. 
It might be interesting to high-pot such a tube immediately after the 
suspected gas arc, just to see whether the tube is gassy or not -- unless 
you subscribe to the rauchian vanishing gas theorum.  .  

It definitely is true that in the vast majority of cases, after one or two BANGs early in life, the tube continues on for a normal lifetime of 

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