[AMPS] parasitic suppressors

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Tue, 9 Dec 97 07:02:07 -0800

>Rich Measures wrote:
>>>> The event that causes the damage apparently happens suddenly. 
>>>>-   IMO, overdrive tends to dislodge patches of cathode coating, without 
>>>>damaging the gold plating on the grid.  {photograph in September 1990 
>>>>article "Parasitics Revisited".}
>>>That's my problem: how can you know these things? 
>>By looking at the photo.  The cathode coating is flaking off, the gold 
>>plating is not.
>All you know for sure from the photograph is - quite literally - that
>"The cathode coating is flaking off, the gold plating is not." That is
>ALL you know for sure. The evidence is not sufficient to prove
>conclusively WHY it happened.
For an 8874, the rated drive is 27w.  The drive level for the tube in the 
photograph had been c. 100w.  {Drake T4xc driving a pair of 8874s}   A 
grid/cathode short eventually occured.   If 100w drive shorts the drive, 
how could one ever apply enough cathode drive to boil gold off of the 

>>>We can only see the
>>>after-effects, and have no direct evidence about the causes... it's all
>>>a matter of interpretation and "IMO".
>>If overdriving killed the tube, why is the grid in mint condition?
... ...
>You seem to have a real problem in separating evidence (the physical
>condition of the tube, which everybody can witness and agree) from your
>own theories about the causes.
>Read my fingers: what you see under the microscope does NOT include the
>cause of the event.
That is essentially what the French surgeons (who did not wash their 
hands before operating) told Pasteur when he showed them some parasites 
under a microscope. 

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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