[AMPS] Rebuilding an MLA2500

Joe Subich, W8IK w8ik@ibm.net
Wed, 10 Dec 1997 22:09:11 -0500

At 12:55 AM 12/11/97 +0000, AB4RU wrote:
>  I owned one of the MLA2500's for several years but never made the mod
>to change the tubes out. The guy I sold it to, put it on 6 meters with a
>single 3cx800. I am sure a single 3cx800 would work fine on HF as well.

I would be very cautious of a single 3CX800 as a replacement for the pair 
of 8875s in the MLA2500.  The 3CX800A7 is rated for 23 watts of drive and 
should give 750 watts output.  While the gain is higher than a single 8875, 
a single 3CX800 will be much easier to overdrive and will provide decreased 
output power. 


   ... Joe Subich, W8IK  ex-AD8I

"Hindsight is an exact science."

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