[AMPS] Alpha 77D problem
Thu, 11 Dec 1997 18:32:14 EST
Glad I was able to help you with your problem. Depending on how your connector
opened-up I could see the 8877 being damaged,or not being damaged. Lets just
keep our fingers crossed! Glad to hear the AL-1200 is doing FB job...maybe I
shouldn't have let that amp get away. I do not know Bruce Lykins but maybe
someone else on this reflector might know him and be able to help you.
Best 73 and Holiday Greetings,
Terry - W6TG
In a message dated 97-12-11 14:05:32 EST, you write:
<< > I would try one more 8877 tube. I have seen similar indication from a
> 8877 or one with a open fillament. Also make sure the fillament voltage is
> present at the tube socket with the tube plugged in. If you have a burned
> mollex connector pin it could show fillament voltage and when you plug in a
> tube (low impedance load) the bad pin connection open up and then read no
> fillament voltage on tube.
You couldn't have been more right! Pin 4 of the molex has the solder
melted off the connection and is very flaky. Now to find (or make) a molex
remover and clear up the problem. My other question - what has this done
to the 8877 (s) if anything. Nothing good, I'm sure but I will likely find
out in short order. I just have the one spare 8877 unfortunately, but
that's better than none which was the case all summer. But not for lack
of trying! Do you, by chance, know a Bruce Lykins in Florida? We had a
trade going to get a couple of 8877 pulls but I never got the tubes and
his e-mail doesn't seem to work anymore!
BTW, the AL-1200 is running just fine and has proven to be a good contest
op with the rather non critical tuning and all.
Thanks again for the right on advice.
73 Don email: ve6jy@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
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