[AMPS] linearity

Lars Harlin lars.harlin@pocab.se
Wed, 17 Dec 1997 18:51:13 +0100

At 09.34 1997-12-17 -0800, you wrote:

>>* As said before, I really do like your sense of humour Rich! 
>>* However, regarding efficiency, the resting Ip in a G2DAF amp is very low
>>and * much lower than amps in AB1 or AB2 = Higher efficiency for G2DAF!!

>The resting current in the Class AB1 amplifiers that I use is 0mA.  
>Within a fraction of a second of not speaking into the microphone, the 
>transceiver's VOX switches to Rx mode, and within 3mS thereafter the 
>amplifier switches to Rx mode.  It's almost like talking on the 
>-  The efficiency of the AB1 amplifier is roughly 60%.  If the efficiency 
>were an impossible 100%, the S-meter at the receiving end would increase 
>1/3 of one S-unit.  
>-  There's an electronic-switched AB1 grid bias supply at:

Since when did you take TRX vox into account when measuring efficiency
of an RF-amplifier? Could it be an EIMAC recommendation...? ;)
IMO The point with higher efficiency is not to get higer output, rather
to have the amp running cooler and accept "slowblow"

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