[AMPS] 3-500Z storage
Mon, 24 Feb 1997 16:32:44 EST
Hello Robert and all.
First of all the 3-500Z must be stored in a vertical position. Many
friends have had the misfortune of buying a new set of spares only to
find them shorted upon use many years later. All of them were stored on
their sides. I'm not saying that it is a certantity, just that it does
The gas factor is one that I have been unable to pin down, possibly
others might wish to comment. What I have seen, on occassion, is a
customer bring in an SB220 or the like that has been idle for many years
that has a gassy tube. As near as I can discover they were all Eimac
tubes with 1985-90 era date codes. Those old 1970's era tubes seem to be
bullet proof.
Some of the early Chinese tubes had many problems which appear to be
I hope this helps a bit.
GL and 73 Carl KM1H
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