[AMPS] Alpha 87A Problem Resolved

"Dick Green". dick.green@valley.net
Tue, 25 Feb 1997 01:01:45 -0500

I now have a factory patch that resolves the plate choke relay problem
discussed in my previous post on the subject. Interested 87A owners should
contact me by private e-mail: 


By the way, the folks at Alpha Power (formerly ETO) were *exceedingly*
cooperative on this matter. It did help that a technical manager happened
to pick up the phone on my second call. He explained that the maintenance
backlog from the ETO days was so big that they had to shut down production
for several weeks to catch up. Things are getting better, but they still
have a ways to go. I think that's a courageous decision and shows the kind
of commitment to service that I like to see from high-tech companies.

73, Dick, WC1M

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