[AMPS] L-4B conversion to 3CX1200

Ron Hooper AB4RU@stc.net
Wed, 26 Feb 1997 00:16:55 +0000

Morel Grunberg wrote:
> >        The Peter Dahl page has a reference to an article by Pete Warren in
> >an old CQ magazine on the conversion of a Drake L-4B from 3-500s to either 1
> >or 2 3CX1200s. I cannot find the article, nor have I heard of anyone that
> >tried it. Anyone on this reflector know of the article or of anyone that has
> >done this?
> >
> >73 de Jim, KF7E
> >
> >Jim Henderson
> >jhenders@tdrss.wsc.nasa.gov
> >jhenders@zianet.com
> Jim,
> I rcvd this article few years ago from Eimac with their tubes catalog
> and
> some application notes I asked. Personnaly, I'm not so sure that this
> conversion is such a good ideea: it's quite laborious, costly and this
> quite
> old tube has poor spectral purity performance than 3CX1500 or 3CX800
> and needs 100W drive.It's cheaper than the new ones but , no free
> lunches.
> 73 de Morel, 4X1AD

I agree also, If you had the drive to make a pair of them go, I dought
the power
supply would hold up in the Drake L4B. Go back with the 3-500's.
Ron W4WA

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