[AMPS] 3-500Zs

marv h. gonsior w6frmarv@juno.com
Wed, 26 Feb 1997 15:03:11 PST

type were not equal to the Eimacs with a number of problems, both
mechanical and electrical, mostly attributable to poor quality control
as they came here from China.  I have always heard good reports
concerning the Amperex tubes.  There may be some confusion regarding the
Pride trademark today as I have heard that they come from Russia but I
have no firm information on this.

Recently, I have been told that Eimac will no longer produce the 3-500Z
and their machinery and tooling have been sold to a company in the east
who will continue the manufacture of them.  I have not verified this
with Eimac, however.

Re: 4X1AD's inquiry about the Customer Service e-mail address for Eimac,
it is as follows:   reid.brandon@eimac.cpii.com.

Marv, W6FR

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