[AMPS] 3-500Z

Bob Scott bscott@thor.pla-net.net
Wed, 26 Feb 1997 20:53:04 -0600

Okay, I have been following this, so what is the bottom line? I need a 
new 3-500Z pretty soon, and would like to buy the best on the market now.
I am leaning toward the Amperex from what I have read. What is the going
rate for one, and where is the best place to purchase it? Thanks a

(Lee, I got a check on the way to you)

Address: bscott@pla-net.net
Name: Bob Scott
Amateur radio call: KF9YH
Member: Society of Midwest Contesters
Member: National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (Paramedic)
The opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author.

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