[AMPS] SB-220 C4 failure

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Sun, 6 Jul 97 02:50:05 -0700

>On Sat, 5 Jul 1997 14:11:43 -0400 (EDT), W7OM@aol.com wrote:
>>The 20 mfd electrolytic cap in the 120 vdc power supply ruptured.  This
>>failure occurred with a possible tube short.  Do not believe there is a
>>correlation.  Replacement is simple, BUT would like to know if anyone has had
>>a similar failure and is this is the effect of another failure.  I will
>>replace the rectifier diode too as it shorting would cause the cap to go.
>> Diode passes the simple short/reverse resistance checks.
>In my 38 years of electronics, it's been my experience that
>solid-state diodes never short and then repair themselves.  If it
>checks good, it is good.  They're like a fuse in that respect.
>One should be cautious about using words like "never" and "always",
>but in this case I believe it's true.

- I agree, Bill

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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