[AMPS] SB-220 C4 failure

km1h @ juno.com km1h@juno.com
Mon, 07 Jul 1997 17:03:28 EDT

On Mon, 7 Jul 97 11:06:57 -0700 Rich Measures <measures@vc.net> writes:

>>IMO, adding Step-Start to the SB-220 is a complete waste of time and
>>money. The filament  xfmr was designed to limit inrush current. The 
>>xfmr is also current limited.  

>- The HV transformer is required to produce repetitive, high peak 
>currents to satisfy the considerable demand of the C-filter.  If the 
>transformer were designed to limit current--like the 220's filament 
>transformer--the HV regulation would be unacceptable. 

I did not say that the xfmr was designed to limit current, I said it was
current limited....there is a big difference between the two. 
>- When a stock SB-220 is consistently started up on the SSB HV tap, 
>inrush current is such that the life expectancy of the on/off switch 

Possibly, but I suspect the majority of On-OFF switch failures are purely
worn out. Starting any amp in the low power position (if available) is a
good idea anyway.  Replacing an old switch is certainly preferred over
adding more failure prone parts to the circuit.
BTW, I have a large stock of old National NCL-2000 ON-OFF switches, they
fit the SB-220 exactly and are a grade above the cost conscious Heathkit.

73...Carl   KM1H

BTW, whoever was looking for Harbach, they advertise in the Ham-Ads of
QST every month. Also at www.harbach.com

 Two solutions are:  Use the switch manufacturer's 40a 
>version (Arrow p/n 2800HM11 C ) of the switch, or install a step-start 
>R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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