[AMPS] SB-220 C4 failure

km1h @ juno.com km1h@juno.com
Tue, 08 Jul 1997 08:41:49 EDT

On Mon, 7 Jul 97 22:30:17 -0700 Rich Measures <measures@vc.net> writes:
>>> From:          Rich Measures <measures@vc.net>
>>> For adding a step-start relay and high speed switching, a FWB is 
>>> indicated.  Half-wave rectification causes DC to unhappily flow in 
>>> transformer.  Adding 3 more diodes  and ungrounding the 80v winding 
>>> easy/inexpensive.  
>>The very small  power demand of the bias supply (about 12 watts)  
>>would not greatly affect the core losses of a transformer already 
>>delivering 160 watts to a resistive load.
>>The half wave rectifier is perfectly fine.
>-  20uF in half-wave service is perfectly fine for filtering the 
>20mA load, however, it is a bit lacking for filtering the 100mA that 
>high speed switching and step-start circuits consume.  Increasing C is 
>one fix.  Doubling the ripple frequency, by converting to FWB 
>rectification is another fix.  3 rectifiers cost less than another 

True, but the original discussion was about the capacitor failing and
requiring replacement anyway. The cost of a 100-200MF 160V capacitor, if
someone wants to add a bunch of extra parts will not require a 2nd
mortgage. The 90V winding on the xfmr is rated 100ma CCS.

>>If I was going to do a mod, I'd get rid of the whole 130 volt supply, 
>>and let the tube self-bias off. Than a more conventional 12 volt 
>>relay could be used.
>Self cut-off biasing is good.  However, conventional relays are too 
>to keep pace with modern radios. 

QSK operators are a small minority; the original relay is fine for the
rest of us.

73...Carl   KM1H

>R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   
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