[AMPS] re:4-250A

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Sun, 20 Jul 97 03:26:22 -0700

>Rich comments;
>>I agree that you do indeed have RF negative feedback.  I do not agree
>>that grid current decreases distortion in any grid-driven
(Peter Chadwick):
>Rich, there's a body of opinion that doesn't agree with you. For
>example, see the curves of IMD against grid volts in The Care and
>Feeding of Power Grid Tubes. My copy is the third printing,, and it's on
>page 72. ...snip...

These curves have nothing to do with grid current, Peter.  Whenever grid 
current flows in a grid driven amplifier, linearity is compromised.  More 
grid current equals more non-linearity. 
- So far, the 'body of opinion' appears to consist of:  Messrs.  Chadwick 
and Rauch.  Are there others who say that more grid current equates with 
less distortion in grid-driven service?.  

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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