[AMPS] 3cx3000 Eimac

km1h @ juno.com km1h@juno.com
Fri, 25 Jul 1997 14:52:09 EDT

On Thu, 24 Jul 1997 18:48:52 +0100 philip de cadenet
<phil@two-way.demon.co.uk> writes:
>Thanks Rich and others for the information and comments re my 3CX3000.
>I'm gonna go build me an amplifier.
>Now what was that someone was saying about getting the HT from my 
>Neville 200 A alternator via a 3-phase step up transformer...

The 3CX3000A7 is a popular tube with the 27MHz mobile crowd over here
They use 240-260A alternators without diodes, etc into a 3 phase xfmr.
Typical design for over the road "talking" uses a 3500VDC  1.5A xfmr  
which is designed for a 14VAC  primary.   At highway speeds the output is
in the 5-8KW output range. The strange thing....we wont get into FCC or
linearity issues.... is that they are reliable. Once setup they run for

73....Carl  KM1H

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