[AMPS] Re: 8877

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Sat, 26 Jul 97 21:54:56 -0700

>On Sat, 26 Jul 97 11:20:17 -0700 Rich Measures <measures@vc.net> writes:
>>>in the Eimac Quick Reference Catalog 488 on page 50. If you wish I 
>>>FAX it to you. 
>>>73...Carl   KM1H
>>Don't bother, Carl.  It's a typo.  I looked it up in another Eimac 
>>Reference Catalog, and it says Class AB2 Linear......"cathode-driven". 
>Good try Rich but no soap. No typo here or anywhere else. The catalog
>very plainly has line entries for Cathode Driven AB2  and then 2 more
>entries for grid driven...one RF and the other AF; both AB2.  Since all 3
>line entries have very different ratings I dont see how you can continue
>to try and con us to accept your idea of reality.  

Us?  Who do you represent besides yourself?
- My idea of reality is what's in the characteristic curves on the 
technical specifications sheets.  Quick Reference Catalog 175 agrees with 
the specification sheets.  

Does it say "grid-driven linear" or "grid-driven" in Eimac Quick 
Reference Catalog 488 on page 50?  
>Why not just change the subject?   Or at least admit that EIMAC can do
>whatever they wish with the specs whenever they want. 
Eimac can not violate the laws of physics.  
- For linear amplification, Low Mu triodes are suited for grid-driven, 
Class AB1.  High Mu triodes are suited for cathode-driven Class AB2. 

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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