[AMPS] Ot Fiebel aka: Hi-spec amp inquiry

kb8tjx@valunet.com kb8tjx@valunet.com
Sun, 27 Jul 1997 12:58:11 -5

Good evening to the group.
Name is John,kb8tjx in Ohio.

I have a Hi-spec amp 23G2B twin-tube cavity for 1.24-1.3 ghz.
It uses two 2c39A's

Ot also made the same thing in 2.3-2.45 ghz Model 13G2 (2 tube)
and 13G1 (1 tube)
Also there was a 33G2 (2 tube) in 900-930 mhz.

Anyone have any  they're not using?

Especially interested in either for 2.4 ghz.

Thanks in advance.
73 from John KB8TJX


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