[AMPS] Tetrode Amp articles needed

Paul Erickson paul1@wizard.ucs.sfu.ca
Tue, 3 Jun 97 22:55:11 PDT

Can anyone help me with copies of the following articles. I'm having
trouble finding them locally.

cheers, Paul
email: paul1@wizard.ucs.sfu.ca

> *****************************************************************
> High S.W.R. Protection for Transceivers and Amplifiers, CQ, May,
> 1980, 63-65.  ***
> ALC for CLass AB1 Amplifiers, QST, July, 1986, 38-39, 47.  ***
> Antenna Relay Sequencing, Ham Radio, October, 1987, 17-26.   ***
> Amplifier Cool-Down Circuits, QST, March, 1989, 35-36.   ***
> Protecting Power Tetrodes, QST, November, 1989, 22-25.    ***  ***
> A Low-Drive, High-Power All-Band Tetrode Linear Amplifier, CQ, July,
> 1990, 60-65.    ***  ***
> A High-Performance AGC System for Home-Brew Transceivers, QEX,
> October, 1995, 12-22.  

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