[AMPS] Tetrode Amp articles needed

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Thu, 5 Jun 97 02:10:50 -0700

>> >Can anyone help me with copies of the following articles. I'm having
>> >trouble finding them locally.
>> >
>> >cheers, Paul
>> This is an article I missed, Paul. 
>>   However, the article should be interesting because the grid's DC bias 
>> voltage in a Class AB1 amplifier is normally adjusted so that, with 
>> full-throttle grid drive, the grid draws ZERO grid current.  This means 
>> that the exciter can not overdrive the Class AB1 tetrode (or pentode) 
>> into the distortion-producing grid current region  Thus, ALC is not only 
>> not necessary, similar results could be achieved by turning down the 
>> microphone gain AFTER the amplifier is tuned up under maximum signal 
>> conditions. 
>That's not necessarily correct data. Exciter's power capabilities as 
>well as the PA's grid circuit efficiency  varies from band to 
>band, plus someone is likely to eventually connect a different radio 
>to the PA


This is why the first tuneup step is to adjust the grid bias V so that 
the grid is drawing ZERO grid current with maximum drive applied.  This 
happens before the anode and screen voltages are applied. (interested in 
the complete AB1 tuneup procedure?  See 
*Amplifiers* at <http://www.vcnet.com/measures>)
>While Rich's statement is correct IF the PA is designed and adjusted 
>to NEVER draw grid current, that's an almost impossible situation to 
>find in the real world.
I have never seen a Class AB1 amplifier design that does not have 
adjustable grid bias voltage.  
 A Class AB1 PA is not designed to NEVER draw grid current.  It is 
designed so that the grid bias V can be ADJUSTED to zero grid current for 
the specific drive level being applied.  

>In the practical world, ALC is actually MORE necessary in a class AB1 
>PA. ...
And remember boys and girls:  it's really not a very good idea to claim 
that you are an "expert". :)

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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