[AMPS] PA Recommendation Wanted

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Sat, 7 Jun 97 03:24:50 -0700

>My ONLY comment on this reflector is that I did not like the idea of one
>muffin fan blowing across a pair of 3-500Z's that are in line with the
>air flow. ... ...
>73...Carl   KM1H

Air flows quite well around a cylinder.  A candle can easily be blown out 
with a cardboard-tube core from a roll of paper towels held in front of 
the candle.  As long as the fan blade that blows on 3-500Zs is the same 
diameter as the tubes' height, 6-inches/15-cm, the critical anode pin and 
filament pin glass/metal seals should be adequately cooled.  

R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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