[AMPS] Why Upgrade?

Brian K. Short KE7GH@primenet.com
Sat, 07 Jun 1997 13:53:58 +0100

Several have asked about *WHY* upgrade to a different amp 
if already owning an AL-1200, so I'll answer here:

1) qsk
2) quieter
3) auto-tune or preset

OTOH, I *LIKE* the fact that it takes more drive to get
full legal limit (than a pair if 3/4CX800's) as it is
impossible to overdrive with an FT-1000mp. I also like
the rugged (grid) 3cx1200. More power is not a concern.

Mine has been reliable, too. I have made some major shack 
changes (which I usually do in Spring/Summer) and thought 
about a new amp, perhaps. 

For the price, the AL-1200 is a good piece of gear, but there 
seems to be a very viable price competitor in the QRO HF-2500 
which includes QSK for $2595 (until July 1). The QRO has other 
advantages, too (obviously).

I'll stay with the AL-1200 for now, but my eyes are always open 
for (slightly) used RELIABLE amps...

73, Brian

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