[AMPS] PA Recommendation Wanted

Ian White, G3SEK G3SEK@ifwtech.demon.co.uk
Sun, 8 Jun 1997 11:53:40 +0100

Rich Measures wrote:
>  My strategy, Ian, is to choose a value of grid termination resistance 
>that roughly affords the needed peak RF drive V to the grid with exciters 
>that develop 100v-p (100w rms) to 141v-p (200w rms) across 50 ohms. 

OK, that makes sense, but until now I don't recall you mentioning the
need for a range of input transformer ratios to bring everything into
roughly the right ball-park.  

>>>>I also like Ian's suggestion of building the grid supply 
>>>>like the PA is for AB2 (regulated with a stiff shunt regulator), even 
>>>>though you plan on running it on AB1. 

>>>Eimac says you don't need a regulated bias supply..  
>>Rich, please can you quote exactly what Eimac says on this topic, and
>Eimac does not state such in so many words.  


>The max. allowable R of the 
>supply is found in the technical specifications for each tube.  For 
>example,  on  page 4, column 1. of the specs. for the 4CX15,000A, the 
>maximum R is stated to be 100k ohms.  In your opinion, Ian, is a 
>regulated supply, or an unregulated supply, most likely to have an output 
>R of 100k?  
I do not interpret that as a recommendation to deliberately choose a
poorly regulated  grid supply. IMO it's merely a recommendation not to
allow the grid to "float" and charge up electrostatically. All it means
is that you cannot use a high-value grid resistor for "contact-
potential" biasing, as you can with small receiving tubes. 

>>Similarly, please can you quote what and where Eimac says that the
>>correct method to configure a class AB1 amplifier is to adjust the grid
>>bias for zero grid current, 
>You've got to be putting me on, Ian.  AB1 means zero grid current. .  
Yes, but there's another way to achieve that, namely to adjust the
drive, either manually or by ALC. 

>>and the adjust the screen current for the
>>recommended ZSAC.
>I thought I read it in *Care and Feeding....*.  After spending about 15 
>minutes therein, I couldn't find it.

Nor could I. 

>  However, the practice makes sense 
>to me.  To explain:  There are two means of setting ZSAC: by adjusting 
>grid V, and by adjusting screen V.  Grid V adjustment is constrained by 
>the requirement that zero grid current be maintained---which leaves 
>choosing to adjust the screen V.  Does this make sense to you?

As the Scots say, "I hear you" - which means that I appreciate what
you're saying, but don't agree that it's the only "right" way to do it.

73 from Ian G3SEK          Editor, 'The VHF/UHF DX Book'
                          'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)

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