[AMPS] Splatter
Rich Measures
Mon, 9 Jun 97 09:37:27 -0700
>> >I'm learning a lot here, ...snip,,,
>> Yes, but does it wash? When a tube with a high output-R (100k ohm) bias
>> supply is temporarily overdriven by a voice peak, the negative grid bias
>> voltage temporarily increases due to grid-rectification and the resulting
>> E=I*R drop across the 100k resistance, so the grid becomes more negative,
>> so grid current tends to decrease, which limits IMD-genenrating grid
>> current. OTOH, with a stiff grid bias supply, overdrive produces high
>> grid current. ....... Does increasing grid current in Class AB1 increase
>> or decrease IMD?
>You idea does not wash at all Rich.
>... We know this because we run, on a daily basis, grid current in
>linear amplifiers with very good (sometimes better than -40 dB) IMD
>results. ...snip...
Does MFJ-Ameritron make a Class AB1 grid-driven amplifier?
We? Who is 'we'? During the parasitics debate I often tried to find out
who 'they' was. No luck.
R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K
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