[AMPS] splatter

Bremer, James R (RFC MS-Mail) jbremer@rfpo1.rfc.comm.harris.com
Tue, 10 Jun 1997 12:12:00 -0400

If I may jump in here with an excerpt from "Single Sideband Principles
and Circuits" page 191:

"A small amount of grid-current distortion can sometimes be benefically
used to partly cancel plate-current distortion.  The linearity curve of
most plate characteristics has an upward curve.  Grid-current loading
produces a downward curve, and the combination shown in Fig. 13-4 is
more linear.  A mathematical study of  the distortion products  from
grid current and from plate current show they are out of phase in this
case.  The amount of distortion cancellation depends upon the signal

This I believe is an old Collins text.  I don't have the whole book in
front of me, just a couple chapters on tube PAs.  Figure 13-5 in the
text shows 3rd and 5th order products increasing rapidly as the drive
signal level is increased past the the point where this "dip" occurs.

 -Jim W2RA

PS - There's also an explanation of the Collins "magic length" cable
from exciter to PA, but we've probably covered that well enough

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