[AMPS] splatter

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Tue, 10 Jun 1997 18:32:46 EDT

On Tue, 10 Jun 1997 13:56:08 -0700 wa2moe <wa2moe@doitnow.com> writes:
>At 02:40 PM 6/10/97 -0600, you wrote:
>>Theses differences of opinion are what drive new ideas and designs.  
>>em fight!  
>right...let 'em fight...how about on your computer and not on the 
>of those who want to learn something about amplifiers and power 
>Thank you Ian G3SEK .  You make sense
>                              Stu Greene WA2MOE 
>                            7537 North 28th Avenue
What amazes me the most is that the non-participants in most discussions
are the ones that try and dictate their own rules that the contributors
should follow. 

Carls Theorem #1 :  If you cant contribute...shut up. 
Carls Theorem #2 :  All discussion leads to knowledge. 
Carls Theorem #3: We dont need policemen here...keep that crap on 20M
or......... (fill in ur favorite band to whine on). 

73...Carl   KM1H 

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