w8jitom@postoffice.worldnet.att.net w8jitom@postoffice.worldnet.att.net
Wed, 11 Jun 1997 01:24:29 +0000

I think this thing has gone far afield of helping anyone build a 
clean PA. It seems Ian, Peter and I agree on the causes of IMD, and 
some good ideas to prevent IMD (regulating the screen and grid with 
low shunt impedance regulators). But the grid idea does make the 
control grid more susceptible to overdrive damage.  

On the other hand Rich has a suggestion that would greatly increase 
IMD if the tube is ever (even slightly) overdriven, but it does offer 
good control grid protection.

Either system would require a warning device for grid current. In the 
stiff supply case, it would be mostly necessary to prevent tube 
damage. In Rich's case, it would be mostly necessary to prevent 

So why not use a stiff shunt regulated grid supply (to prevent 
splatter) with a warning device that disables the PA if excessive 
grid current occurs? After all, we commonly do that with triodes 
where the control grid is easily damaged  (like the 8877 or 

That way the bias is stable, occasional peaks won't hurt the grid or 
cause needlessly bad splatter, and if you "over do it" your mess is 
removed from the airwaves.

It seems the best approach to me, because no matter which system you 
use you should have a grid voltage (or grid current) detector anyway. 
With the stiff supply it could be a simple op-amp comparator that 
trips the T/R relays off in a few mS if grid current becomes more 
than a safe value. (With Rich's idea it could be a voltage detector 
that disables the PA if the peak RF voltage approaches the bias 
level, although I like the stiff grid supply much better).

By the way, Peter is correct. (I think it was Peter that said it) 
Adding an additional opposite type of distortion can actually improve 
IMD performance. Eimac intentionally adds non-linearity at some 
areas of a tubes transfer characteristics to improve IMD performance. 
That's why a three tone test is important to measure IMD, so you get 
an idea of two tone performance as power level is varied at a slower 

It's quite possible to build a PA that looks excellent in a two tone 
test, but generates all kinds of trash with speech modulation. A 
three tone test shows up those problems, if done properly.  Poor 
power supply regulation (including screen and control grid 
regulation) will normally ONLY show up with a three tone test.  

Hence the G2DAF system or unregulated screen supplies look quite 
good, until you talk into them.

73, Tom W8JI 

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