[AMPS] Heat Paint

Ian White, G3SEK G3SEK@ifwtech.demon.co.uk
Wed, 11 Jun 1997 09:35:03 +0100

Bob W8ZA wrote:
>Hi Ian,  I missed your e-mail when you initially asked about these things...
>Franks suggestion is a good one...However if you were to contact OMEGA 
>ENGINEERING, INC and request their Temperature catalog you will find a whole 
>raft of different temperature indicators....
>They can be contacted at:
>        25 Swannington Rd.
>        Broughton Astley
>        Leicestershire LE9 6TU
>        England

Thanks - I've asked for a catalog(ue).

Thanks also to Frank for the details on ordering from McM-C. I've faxed
for their catalog too.

>Who knows you may even be able to get some samples....

We can dream... 

On a closely related topic, I've been playing around with AB6YL's
suggestion for measuring air flow through an amplifier (QST 5/96), which
is simply to time how long the exhaust airflow takes to blow up a large,
light plastic bag. Brilliant - it really works!

73 from Ian G3SEK          Editor, 'The VHF/UHF DX Book'
                          'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)

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