[AMPS] Yaesu price for 50V PS

David L. Thompson thompson@mindspring.com
Fri, 13 Jun 1997 17:17:26 -0400 (EDT)

Morel, 4X1AD posted the price for the new Yaesu 50V ps (200,000 Yen).  In
doing the research for the 5th edition of the Amateur Radio Mail Order
Catalog and Resource Directory I ran across The Luke Company (Now called the
Lucas Company) in Lake City, Michigan.  They make heavy duty 13.8, 28, 50, +
even higher VDC switching supplies at high Amps just for such solid state
amps.  MFJ/Ameritron uses their 28V for the 600W solid state amp they sell.
18 Months ago the 28V 50A was about $300 and the 50V 70A was about $475.

I was involved in a discussion several months ago on the contest reflector
about solid state amps (why there are not more of them on the market).
Mirage had problems with their 800 and 1500W versions so did not even
attempt type acceptance as required in the USA.  Ameritron is reluctant
to bring one out to compete with their AL and new 3CX800 series.  I found
several that make SS amps (one in South Carolina, one in Ocala, Florida) but
they all try to stretch 13.8VDC supplies to 90A and don't use 28 or 50V
supplies.  OH2BH is supposed to have an amp made in OH but have seen no new
specs.  I notice several use several sections of 250/300W modules for up to
1KW...but no one has a 1.5KW output SS amp yet.

The original article for a 1kw SS amp was in a 1982 QST so the technology is
there and the follow up SSKW 160 to 6 amp was published over 6 years ago.
Guess the amp homebrewers are going to have to do......

Imagine an IC706 or Alinco DX-70T with a small kw amp (hide that 28V or 50V
supply on the ground somewhere) and you have a small potent rig for
Dxpeditioning and IOTAing where the 1kw rig is about the same size as an
IC751A and the PS is small/heavy but far less weight than the small amp we
carried before (Clipperton L or Alpha 76).  Come to think of it why not
latch the amp on the front of the supply and have the supply run both the
transceiver and the amp!

Food for thought (and action)..

Dave K4JRB   

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